How VeryPay
Impacts Mototaxi Travel

Across Africa, mototaxis have become a substantial source of income for many, providing livelihood to riders and their families. There is a large opportunity for a MNO to target this sector of the economy and digitise transactions. A fast, innovative tap-and-go payment solution is safer, easier, and more convenient than using cash. It could make moto-taxi travel more accessible to passengers and riders more accountable to their employers, given that they have access to transaction reporting.

The problem

  • Theft and security risks.
  • Inconvenience in running short on funds.
  • No accountability.
  • Unnecessary delays.

The solution

  • Tap and Go technology for convenience.
  • No cash or change necessary.
  • Digital financial records for accountability.
  • Manage family’s transportation expenses and pay for members who don’t own a smartphone like kids or elderly.

By addressing the challenges of theft, accountability and inconvenience, we empower MNO’s to digitise moto-taxi travel creating a more efficient and inclusive experience for both rider and passenger.

To learn more, book a discovery call with our team today.

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